baby + kid

honey bee

To bee or not to bee?  That, is the question.  The answer, unfortunately, is "not".  I really wanted to like the HoneyBee Child SwingEase.  What a great concept: a swing adapter that turns any playground swing into a baby/toddler swing.  Several times we have encountered the problem of no baby swings available - either they are all occupied or the park doesn't offer any - so the solution of a swing adapter seemed like a no-brainer.  As soon as the package arrived we headed off to the nearest park to give it a try.  We secured the bottom to the swing, clipped the hooks into the chains, tightened the adjustable strap around M, and off she went!  M loved being in the SwingEase, maybe even more than being in a standard park baby swing.  I, too, loved the SwingEase, right up until M leaned forward and her body slid off the swing with her head pointing towards the ground.  We caught her in time and she didn't fall out (in fact, she apparently found the incident quite hilarious) but it was enough to give me a heart attack and return the SwingEase.  It didn't work for us but a lot of people have wonderful things to say about the SwingEase, so if you think it might work for you give it a try, just remember my cautionary tale and act as a spotter for your little one.